Working With NHS Employers & Healthcare Providers
Supporting the development and assurance of numerical confidence and competence within NHS Employers & Healthcare providers
SN@P Assessment & Education work in partnership with UK wide Healthcare providers to support skill building and progress monitoring of numeracy relevant to:
- Attendees with pre-course material tailored to the content of numeracy within the IV course
- Course facilitators with access to a range of contextualised learning and assessment resources tailored to IV drug administration
- A robust and validated assessment process to establish the competency level of candidates
- A valid and HEE recongised response to medication error if the root cause is found to be numerical error
- An offering to staff involved in medication error to ensure numeracy is not a contributing factor
- Assessment resource to assure patient safety through ensuring numerical confidence and competence
- Offering to support staff for independent learning around numeracy contextualised to health
- Provides insight into the aspects and level of numeracy required to study or work within the health profession
- Provides insight into the current numerical level support staff are at in relation to numeracy required for a career in health

IV Therapy Training Courses
SN@P supports IV therapy courses through providing:

Access anytime anywhere for independent learning and preparation

Embed SN@P content within your IV teaching plans through creating quick tests for your candidates to complete during the session

Assess your candidates using kardex format as well as scenario format to ensure the numerical assessment is in full context

Medicines Management
SN@P supports medicines management through providing:

Include SN@P in your medicines management corporate induction talks

Sign post SN@P as a response to medication error within standard operating procedures should the root cause of a drug incident prove to be a numerical fault

CPD & Organisational Development of qualified and support workforce
SN@P for your support workforce:

Development of functional numeracy skills

Support staff to gain access to higher / further education clinical courses