Reducing Costs in Higher Education Healthcare Programmes

SN@P supports the Health and Education Sector on a national scale through tailored digital assessments of route specific drug calculations.
Through our extensive history with Health Education England and being governed by a consortium of 5 Higher Education Institutes, SN@P works in partnership with Higher Education Institutes to offer effective learning, development and assessment of clinical numeracy at a reduced cost.
Our online resources have been created by health care academics responsible for numeracy assessment and development within their HEIs. They have evolved to enhance the student experience and reduce academic workload, and therefore the features and support available from the platform surpass alternative market leaders. In addition to this we are guaranteeing to be 40% cheaper!
To take advantage of this guaranteed reduction in costs, you need to nominate an individual with responsibility for numeracy in your HEI, to attend a resource demonstration (lasting 1 hour) before the end of July.
Contact before 31st July 2024 to confirm a suitable date for a resource demonstration meeting and see a cost saving on licenses currently purchased per student of 40%.
For more information on our work with higher education providers, please visit:
Benefits of SN@P:
- Auto-marking assessments
- Clinical Numeracy
- Apprenticeship End Point Assessment
- Multiple choice assessments
- Free text assignment assessments
- Pre-loaded formative and summative assessments
- Customised examinations tailored to your students and academic preferences
- Quarterly reports to support Governance
- Access to over 2,500 field and route specific drug calculations
- Independent assessment and learning platform for students to access throughout their course duration
- Values, behaviours and beliefs
- Communication skills
Why not try a demo exam:
Start Demo Exam