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Numeracy skills are crucial when working out what dosage to give patients. Some research states that over half of medication errors occur because of choice of dose.
Research commissioned by Department of Health and Social Care has found that medication errors cost the NHS £1.6bn every year.
They estimate that these ‘may cause around 1,700 death and contribute to up to 22,000 deaths’ every year.
Although most NHS prescriptions are safely dispensed, there are around 237 million drug errors every year, which can occur anywhere in prescribing, dispensing, administering and monitoring.
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SN@P Numeracy Standards:
SN@P are experts in numeracy and literacy in healthcare. We have created a range of numeric
based tools for use during undergraduate and post graduate healthcare courses. This test demonstrates capability
at level 2 which is aligned to functional skills level 2. The pass mark is set at 85%.