Medicines Safety & Drug Calculation Revalidation

Welcome to the SN@P Medicines Safety & Drug Calculation Revalidation project

At SN@P we support the Health Sector on a National scale through the offer of digital solutions tailored to the assessment and education of field and route specific drug calculations.

Through our extensive history with Health Education England and being governed by a consortium of 5 Higher Education Institutes, SN@P works in partnership with NHS Employers to achieve outcomes which support workforce development, CPD and assurance of competency.

As a result, we are seeking expressions of interest from NHS Employers to participate in the fully funded Medicines Safety & Drug Calculation Re-Validation project and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the benefits this could have for your new/existing staff:

To register your interest to participate in this innovative project, please contact

For more information on our work with health care providers, please visit:

Benefits of being a project participant:

  • Potential to reduce medical calculation errors and improve numerical competence governance
  • Increase the volume of resources offered to Registered staff for Re-Validation (includes completion certificate)
  • Embed the resource within existing clinical skills teaching sessions for newly qualified and existing staff
  • Establish support the Re-Validation project may have for Registered staff and CPD requirements
  • Access auto-generated reports for staff engagement with CPD
  • Gain insight into how SN@P may benefit wider objectives and strategies across clinical settings, including competence assessments

Project timelines and Dates for Diaries:

  • Expressions of interest to participate in the project and gain access to the Re-Validation programme need to be submitted by Friday 3rd June
  • All project participants will be invited to attend an initial meeting on Friday 17th June at 10am for a full programme demonstration and guidance of next steps
  • Overall project aims to run for a 4-month period